Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Whack Your Boss!!!!!!

Continuing with a favorite theme of mine, as my contribution to good mental health, I would like to present this little tidbit. I was forwarded this great little game. Imagine you come home from another dreay day at work, being lorded over by your version of the blind idiot god, ie your boss. Well my friends do I have the cure for you. This game is called Whack Your Boss, O Boy!

In the game you will see a typical overworked, overstressed employee, being verbally abused by his elongated headed boss, who just keeps blathering on and on, because he believe that the world likes to hear his glorious pronouncements and the sound of his voice. Placed around the cubical are various tools and implements, which with the right attitute can be used to inflict great bodly harm on a human being. There are suppose to be 15 tools of rightious vengence in the room, you get a point for everone you find. When you click on an object, the meek and mellow fellow explodes in a rage of glorious violence, and makes the head idiot pay for ever insult and sin he has committed. The results can be very bloody and O so satisfying. Some of the objects are less ovious, so keep clicking around. The old pryvatte only found 13 out of 15, which surprised me, because I was totally body and soul into this game.

So enjoy the game workers of the world, there is nothing so satisfying as plunging a pen into your bosse's eye socket, O sorry I mean figuratively of course, not for real, He He He. Hey I am dealing with my issues here in a constructive and safe way. A footnote, the fellow who sent me this game is one of my best friends and he is part of the management cabal, but he is an acception to the rule. He is a stand up guy, I wish there were more chaps like him in management; work may actually be a more pleasant place. I must conceal his name to protect the innocence. Well get whacking, O sorry that does not sound right , you know what I mean. Here is the LinK http://www.addictinggames.com/whackyourboss.html Enjoy and se if you can beat my score